FREE Registration Is Now Open for Tribe Public’s Webinar Event “Discover How Multi-Dwelling Units (MDU) Are Profitably Implementing Solar Energy Today” Featuring Holu Hou Energy’s CEO On Thursday, October 12, 2023

  • Meet with Holu Hou Energy’s (HHE)’ CEO Brad HansenHolu Hou Energy, LLC, a Delaware Corporation, brings state-of-the-art renewable energy and energy storage systems to the Single-Family Residential, Multi-Dwelling Unit Residential and Commercial building markets. With operations in California, Hawaii, Wisconsin, and Shanghai, HHE engineers proprietary storage system and control platform solutions, including a breakthrough HHE “EnergyCluster” technology that is key to the development of the Multi-Dwelling Unit Residential housing market. HHE is a vital partner for investors and asset owners who are seeking ESG solutions. For more information, visit [email protected]